Saturday, August 22, 2009

16 weeks

So here we are at 16 weeks at my parents house in Plantation. This week was a busy, exciting, stressful, and sad week all rolled into one. I drove down south on Monday because my little sister finally moved out of our parents house and I wanted to be there to help out and be her support. I even slept with her the first night. Her apartment is really nice and her and her roommate have decorated it really cute. I'm so proud of my sister! I drove back to Orlando Tuesday night and went right to bed. I got up Wednesday morning and while driving to work my mom called and told me that my grandmother had passed away. I spent about an hour at work and then heading back down south again. I have been down here since then and will be heading back Sunday. It has been nice to spend this amount of time with my family because normally I only come for a 2 days. This time i was here for a week. The circumstances stink though but she is in a better place now.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Week 15 update

We went to the doctors today and we got the results of the quad screening test for down syndrome. The results came back good so far giving us a 92% chance the baby will not have it. There is one other part of the test which involves more blood work. I hate needles!!! Don't we know this by now.

Also during this visit we found out that my blood type is B- which is very rare. We are not exactly sure what Joe's blood type is but we are pretty positive that he is +. This means that our baby will also be +. Meaning that my body will create antibodies to fight off what it believes is something foreign. I will have to get a special shot for this to trick my body and will probably need one after I give birth as well. The doctor says there shouldn't be any problems with this pregnancy but there could be during the next one. The worst that can happen during this pregnancy is that the baby may be anemic. We need to get to a donation center so Joe can donate blood and we can find out for sure what kind of blood he has.

We also scheduled the BIG appointment. We will have an ultrasound September 4th to find out the sex so mark your calendars.

We also began cleaning out the baby's room this evening. Its just about empty now and we moved the bed into the yankee room finishing that room up finally. I will post pics soon of the rooms.

The doctor gave us the ok to travel as well so we will be booking our trip to LA this week probably. We are looking to go during the middle of October. So if you have been there and have any suggestions let us know.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

14 weeks

I went to dinner with Nicole the other night and she had told me that I had gotten much bigger from when she had seen me last which was just a week ago. She insisted we take a picture of my stomach and told me I better keep up with it to see the progression. So hear we are at 14 weeks. It doesn't look like much yet but I can already feel the extra weight I'm carrying. I'm not use to that and when I look down at my feet I can clearly see a baby bump. As you can see too my pants are already unbuttoned. Our next appointment is this Thursday the 13th. I screwed up on the last post and said it was the 3rd. I lied.