Thursday, September 30, 2010

Fun in a box

Who knew a box could be so much fun to play with

Sunday, September 19, 2010

New shoes, New do and New toys

I took Bella this week to the shoe store and we bought some cute new shoes. She now owns more than I do. When I first put them on her she didn't know what to think. It was pretty funny. She kept clicking her feet together and grabbing them with her hands. You could just tell by the look on her face that she was like "what the heck are these things".
Earlier this week I decided to try and put Bella's hair in a pony tail. I think we will need to wait a little longer before doing this again. She did leave it in longer than I thought she would.

Nana and Papa came up this week to help us babysit while Grandma and Grandpa DiTore are in St. Louis with cousins Clark and Dexter. Nana and Papa bought Bella this cool fire truck that Bella can ride and it sings and makes the siren noise.

Nana and Papa also brought up a Kitchen and House that cousin Ryan is letting Bella barrow. She absolutely loves it. She has been playing with it morning, noon and night.
Everyday she explores a new part. Here she is chewing on the balls and shapes. These days she chews on everything.
She loves crawling through the doorways and every time she does the little light above turns on.
Both the house and kitchen play music when you do certain things. Here she is playing in the sink and it sings songs. Every time the music starts she starts bouncing up and down, dancing.
Today she learned to get the mail out of the mailbox. She carries the mail around in her mouth as she crawls around the house.

Thank you very much Eddie, Robyn and Ryan!!!

Monday, September 13, 2010


On Friday Bella said Dada for the first time and hasn't stopped since. On Sunday she said Mama a few times but that was it. I'm continuing to work with her on Mama. When she gets better I will try and get some video.

Sour face

The other day at lunch we gave Bella a little lick of a lemon just to see her reaction. I promise we aren't bad parents, but we got the look we thought we would. It was too funny not to share.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Watch out!!

Bella is officially crawling. Time to baby proof the house.