Monday, April 27, 2009


Joe and I went to Gatorland today. For those who don't know what gatorland is...I guess you can call it a gator zoo. The park is known for its alligators but they also have crocs, a petting zoo, snakes, birds, a train ride, a splash park for the kids, and shows. There are hundreds of alligators at the park. In the breeding marsh alone, there are 100 females and 30 males (lucky males huh?). And yes we did see some gators getting it on :) Currently the park is also housing 4 albino alligators for a short time from Louisiana. Overall we had alot of fun and recommend everyone check it out. To see all the pictures from the day, click here.

The entrance to the park

Joe was brave a wrestled a gator (don't worry moms, he isn't real)

On top of the breeding marsh

View from the breeding marsh lookout balcony

Just a few of the smaller gators

A mommy bird with her babies by the marsh

Joe and the gigantic turtle

Albino Gator (kind of creepy looking)

Goat in the petting zoo

On of the shows is feeding time when they dangle chickens out over the water and the gators jump for them

1 comment:

  1. Hooray for the turtle pic!!
    Glad you guys had fun. I haven't been there in ages.
