Thursday, November 4, 2010

10 months

She was totally being a little ham when I was trying to take these photos. She would not sit still and wouldn't smile pretty. So here she is in rare form.

10 months have brought so many changes. She is getting so big and doing so many fun things. She is into everything and its entertaining to watch her explore and figure things out. She is clapping hands, doing "so big", making all kinds of noises, eating new foods, and just today she started standing all by herself for a few seconds at a time without holding on to anything. Today I was also doing the Itsy Bitsy Spider and she was trying to do her hands like mine. She is crawling so fast as well and I sometimes can't keep up. We are also planning her birthday party, its hard to believe its only 2 months away. Where has the time gone.
trying to grab the birthday sign

1 comment:

  1. oh yea! you just gets alot harder to take cute pix once they're on the move--that being said, 10 month pix is ADORABLE! love and miss her SO MUCH!
